Two Haiku

for mezzo-soprano & piano | 5’

Recording forthcoming.

World Premiere

Emily Warren, mezzo-soprano
Chris Maldonado, piano
Recital Hall
Bloomington, IN
December 2016

Lyrics by Matsuo Bashō

Translations by Robert Bly & Donald Keene

The temple bell stops –
but the sound keeps coming
out of the flowers.

Such stillness—
The cries of the cicadas
Sink into the rocks.

Program Note

Matsuo Bashō (1644-1694) was one of the most famous Japanese poets during the Edo period.  Today, he is known as one of the most masterful writers of haiku.  For Two Haiku, I analyzed the spectral components of two different temple bells.  Each of these bells contains a fascinating complex of inharmonic partials, which I used as the basis for the harmonic and melodic materials in these songs.  

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